The Artist Think Tank
Coaching makes a difference.
Darro is an Asian American alt rock/pop punk artist who saw his fans double and was able to secure major endorsement deals after a few months of mentorship from The Slants Foundation. His latest release, Songs of Recovery, debuted on the iTunes Top Rock album chart. He is one of many stories of the artists helped by our organization. Photo by Deanna Marie Kennedy.
mentorship. network. collaboration.
Every month, we serve a collection of Asian American musicians looking to use their talents to make a difference in the world by helping them with career development. This free monthly resource provides a unique time to get direct career advice from industry experts. It’s also an opportunity to meet other artists who can provide community and support.
Each session will feature a central topic/theme to explore for both established as well as aspiring artists as well as a general workshopping time with open-ended Q&A. The call is hosted by Simon Tam, founder of The Slants/The Slants Foundation and host of Music Business Hacks.